Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum fossils and reconstructed skeleton
Katsuhiro Kubota, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi & Tadahiro Ikeda
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Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum gen. et sp. nov. Blocks including the forelimb, knee (A), and heel (B). (C) Reconstructed skeleton. Red and yellow colors show the confirmed and probable positions of the recovered elements, respectively (Courtesy of Genya Masukawa). (D) Left manus in medial view. (E) Left manual phalanx I-1 in dorsal view. (F) Removed fragmentary left manual phalanx II-3 (manual ungual phalanx II) for preparing the left manus. (G) Cross-section of the bent right ankle. (H) Left metatarsus in posterior view. Abbreviations: as, astragalus; dp, depression; fe, femur; fi, fibula; hu, humerus; mc I, metacarpal I; mc II, metacarpal II; mc III, metacarpal III; mp I-1, manual phalanx I-1; mp I-2, manual phalanx I-2 (manual ungual phalanx I); mp II-1, manual phalanx II-1; mp II-3, manual phalanx II-3 (manual ungual phalanx II); mp III-3, manual phalanx III-3; mp III-4, manual phalanx III-4 (manual ungual phalanx III); mr, medial ridge; mt II, metatarsal II; mt III, metatarsal III; mt IV, metatarsal IV; mt V, metatarsal V; ra, radius; ti, tibia; ul, ulna. Almost all elements are from the left side. Abbreviations for elements from the right side added ‘(r)’ at the end. This figure was created using Adobe Photoshop 25.5.1 and Adobe Illustrator 28.3 (https://www.adobe.com/).
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