ISS Expedition 34 Patch

NASA/Crew of Expedition 34
2900 x 3012 Pixel (1038433 Bytes)
The crew members of the Expedition 34 mission put together the following description of their patch: "The outer border of the Expedition 34 patch takes the mold line of a crew transfer or generic resupply vehicle which will form our bridge to the orbiting outpost throughout the second half of its operational lifetime. Inscribed inside in gold is a craft symbolizing future extra-terrestrial landers that will someday open other celestial destinations to human exploration. Our Sun, which enables the miracle of the only known life in our universe, radiates above the rich and colorful orb of Earth. Its 15 rays represent the countries of the International Space Station (ISS) Partnership whose foresight and sacrifice have enabled the first small steps into our universe. The ISS in flight represents the dedication, ingenuity, and cooperation amongst the thousands and thousands of workers around the globe who have successfully designed and built a wonder of our modern world. The distant stars, like those visible in our night sky, beckon us to come further into the depths of space. 'Off the Earth. . . For the Earth' - Our acknowledgement of the responsibility and commitment to work diligently for all inhabitants of planet Earth."
Public domain
Tento mediální soubor byl katalogizován v Johnsonově vesmírném středisku amerického Národního úřadu pro letectví a kosmonautiku (NASA)pod Photo ID: ISS034-S-001.
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Thomas Marshburn

Thomas Henry Marshburn je americký lékař, od května 2004 do roku 2022 astronaut NASA, 498. člověk ve vesmíru. Do vesmíru se dostal na dva týdny jako člen posádky raketoplánu Endeavour při letu STS-127 na Mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici (ISS) v červenci 2009 a znovu tam pracoval od prosince 2012 do května 2013 jako člen Expedice 34 a 35. Od podzimu 2021 do jara 2022 absolvoval na ISS třetí pobyt jako členem Expedice 66. .. pokračovat ve čtení