Initial V: An Angel before Micah
title QS:P1476,en:"Initial V: An Angel before Micah"
label QS:Len,"Initial V: An Angel before Micah"

Unknown – illuminator
3031 x 4611 Pixel (5382675 Bytes)
In this Bible from the 1200s, an initial V introduces the Old Testament book of Micah. The scene inside the letter illustrates the following text: "The word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morasthite . . ." The illuminator added details not mentioned in the text to his representation of the scene, showing the prophet Micah in bed while an angel, its hand raised in a gesture of speech, delivers the "word of the Lord" represented by a scroll. Although he appears in bed, it is clear that Micah is not dreaming; his eyes are open and he glances toward the angel at the side of the bed.
Public domain
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