Isamu Noguchi 05,1951,Tokyo,Photograph taken by Jun Miki

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Isamu Noguchi, 1951 Ars Photo Yearbook Highest Award Winner.Photograph taken by Jun Miki.The explanation of the work by Miki is as follows. "On the morning of his arrival in the United States, he invited me to come and see the exhibition. I helped Noguchi take a picture at the venue. I finally took a commemorative photo of Noguchi. After meeting Noguchi many times, I felt that Noguchi was a very smiley and innocent person. I wanted to take Noguchi as it was, and his father I shot him with the last poem of Yone Noguchi in the background. The model, Isamu Noguchi, background, Yone Noguchi, and lighting were taken by his younger brother Michio. This is a picture that the Noguchi family helped me when I took it."
Public domain
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