Islamic State flag

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Flag of the Islamic State .This flag is also used by al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), and Boko Haram. The design shows the shahada in an arrangement that includes the image of the historical "seal of Muhammad" (more precisely, the "seal" design is based on a 1980s facsimile of Ottoman era copies of letters written and sealed by Muhammad, in which the copyists had manually inked the seal impression; the jihadist flags seen in press photographs do not show the seal as circular but in a slightly irregular shape that faithfully mimicks one particular such specimen; see w:seal of Muhammad for details). Also note that the representation of this seal formerly uploaded to commons but since deleted is merely a graphist's "fictionalisation" of what the seal might have looked like; the actual artefact on exhibit as the "seal of Muhammad" in Istanbul is rectangular)
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