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3445 x 2380 Pixel (224840 Bytes)
John L. Allen, Jr. with Pope Benedict XVI. John Allen is multi-awarded journalist, who is known for his objectivity. He is a vaticanista, i.e. a journalist specializing on Vatican affairs.
Komentář k Licence:

He gave permission for the use of this photo (first email below) and states that he owns the copyright for it and allows its use under GFDL (second email below).

Forwarded message ----------

From: John Allen <jallen@natcath.org> Date: Dec 27, 2005 5:09 AM Subject: Re: Wikipedia article on John L. Allen, Jr.: SOME PHOTOS?

Pix are attached.

Forwarded message ----------

From: John Allen <jallen@natcath.org> Date: Dec 29, 2005 12:33 AM Subject: Wikipedia article on John L. Allen, Jr.: SOME PHOTOS?




The second email is in reply to this email which contains the following message:

... pictures uploaded to Wikipedia should be GFDL, in short, they become everyone's property, and thus you yourself (1) should own the copyright over these photos and (2) are giving the permission for its use under the Gnu Free Documentation License (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_the_GFDL )

Just say "yes" to both and that's it.
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John L. Allen Jr.

John L. Allen Jr. je americký novinář a spisovatel, který působí jako redaktor katolického zpravodajského webu Crux, dříve provozovaného deníkem The Boston Globe a nyní financovaného nezávisle. .. pokračovat ve čtení