Jafrabad Chittagong shipbreaking (5)

https://www.flickr.com/people/55035375@N03 Stéphane M Grueso from Madrid, Spain
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•Documentary 2010 •Dir. Javier Gómez Serrano •Prod. Stéphane M. Grueso •elegant mob films / TVE / Odisea •1 x 58' / color / stereo •HD - HDCAM

Shipwreck is the story of Jahur and Lamu, men that work at the ship yards breaking vessels in Chittagong, a coastal province of Bangladesh# This is the story of ordinary Bengali men struggling to raise their families against a backdrop of labor uncertainty, health hazards unknown to us, and salaries that make them the most competitive labor force in the world# Jahur is a cutter, a crafted worker that slices down the ships day and night# He sits at the top of the job positions in the yard# Lamu is older but strong, he is one of those workers that lift and carry steel planks all day# The three of them represent the whole of the man power assembled in the yards# This is their story#

More info: http://www.steph.es
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