Joseph Goebbels and Richard Strauss

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From the left: composer Richard Strauss (President of the Reichsmusikkammer, Department of Music in the propaganda Ministry), Heinz Drewes (Generalintendant and Generalmusic-director of the Reichsmusickammer) and and Joseph Goebbels (Nazi propaganda chief and President of the Reichskulturkammer). Strauss resigned in July 1935 and was succeeded by Peter Raabe who served as President from 1935 until the end of the war. - In Photo at "1938 Drewes zwischen R. Strauss und Goebbels auf den von Drewes initiierten und organisierten 1. “Reichsmusiktagen” Düsseldorf im Anschluss an die “Kulturpolitische Kundgebung”" [1] The photo published originally in "Deutsche Sängerbundeszeitung Amtsblatt des Deutschen Sängerbundes" 4. Juni 1938
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(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00146A / Georg Pahl / CC-BY-SA 3.0

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Richard Strauss

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