
Cristina Kroon, Larissa Breuer, Lydia Jones, Jeehye An, Ayça Akan, Elkhansa Ahmed Mohamed Ali, Felix Busch, Marinus Fislage, Biswajit Ghosh, Max Hellrigel-Holderbaum, Vartan Kazezian, Alina Koppold, Cesar Alberto Moreira Restrepo, Nico Riedel, Lea Scherschinski, Fernando Raúl Urrutia Gonzalez, Tracey L. Weissgerber
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Western blotting is a standard laboratory method that uses antibodies to detect target proteins in a sample. (1) The sample, typically a mixture of proteins, is loaded on the gel. A molecular weight (MW) marker, which contains prelabeled proteins of varied, known molecular weights, is loaded on the gel alongside the protein sample as a size reference. (2) Gel electrophoresis is used to separate proteins based on their molecular weight. (3) The proteins are transferred, or “blotted”, onto a membrane. (4) The membrane is blocked to reduce nonspecific binding and then sequentially probed with a primary antibody that specifically binds to the protein of interest and a secondary antibody. The latter binds the primary antibody and carries an enzyme or a fluorophore that allows subsequent detection. (5) The signal is detected through a chemiluminescent reaction or fluorescence, respectively. (6) An image of the western blot is prepared for publication: Annotations are added and often the blot is cropped.
Kroon C, Breuer L, Jones L, An J, Akan A, Mohamed Ali EA, et al. (2022) Blind spots on western blots: Assessment of common problems in western blot figures and methods reporting with recommendations to improve them. PLoS Biol 20(9): e3001783.
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