
David Jewitt/Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
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600 x 400 Pixel (687978 Bytes)
Animation of three images of Jupiter's irregular moon Kalyke (S/2000 J 2), taken by David Jewitt using the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on 10 December 2001. Each image was taken approximately 30 minutes apart, showing the moon's motion relative to the background stars and galaxies. The apparent magnitude of Kalyke is 22.4. The black spot on the bright star is an image artifact resulting from overexposed pixels. The raw image datasets used are 615271p, 615278p, and 615285p. For comparison, the star field in these images can be viewed at the CDS's Aladin star atlas.
Komentář k Licence:
"We however encourage the use of our material as long as we are first consulted and informed of its use and our copyright is acknowledged in a legible manner." https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/hawaiianstarlight/CFHT_WWW_Copyright.html
Raw images provided by the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre's Solar System Object Image Search.
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Kalyke (měsíc)

Kalyke nebo též Jupiter XXIII, je retrográdní přirozený satelit Jupiteru. Byl objeven v roce 2000 skupinou astronomů z Havajské univerzity vedených Scottem S. Sheppardem a dostal prozatímní označení S/2000 J 2, platné do října 2002, kdy byl definitivně pojmenován. .. pokračovat ve čtení