Léandre Tawamba (2017)
Oleg Batrak
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Léandre Tawamba playing for Partizan against Dynamo Kyiv (7 December 2017)
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This file was downloaded from the site http://football.ua/galleries/. The copyright holder and owner of the site, Кирилл Крыжановский, granted permission to distribute his photos under the following Creative Commons license. Note: This permission applies only to images from photogalleries except images gathered from news agencies or image services like Getty Images. Tento soubor podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Unported. Uveďte autora: Football.ua
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Léandre TawambaLéandre Gaël Tawamba Kana je kamerunský fotbalový záložník či útočník, hráč Partizanu Bělehrad. .. pokračovat ve čtení