Le Petit Journal - 6 August 1894

Image signed by T.Belack ? Artist name lost to history ? 118 years old.
540 x 800 Pixel (784772 Bytes)
Painting of starting scene of the 1894 Paris Rouen Concours des Voitures sans Chevaux, on the front page of Le Petit Journal 5 August 1894. Car 27 is a Peugeot 3 hp driven by Louis Rigoulot.
Public domain

Front page of Le Petit Journal for 6 August 1894, showing Louis Rigoulot in his Peugeot at start of Paris-Rouen race. Newspaper is now defunct. Image sourced at internet http://www.le-livre.fr/default.asp?page=10. Original Image is 118 years old

see also : http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k716081f.image.langFR
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