Leucochloridium paradoxum metacercaria from Heckert 1889 plate1 fig5

Drawn by Arthur Looss (1861-1923)
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This metacercaria stage is found in the broodsacs in the tentacles of the snail; if the broodsac is eaten by a bird it will develop further as a parasite in the bird's cloaca.

Translation of original caption:

Fig. 5. A fully formed metacercaria, ready for transmission, surrounded by the double integument; many granules are attached to the inner one. The collar of the head is clearly visible; of the internal organs, besides the suckers with the intestines, the gonads are clearly visible as well as the nervous system with the two asymmetrical longitudinal nerve trunks.
Public domain

Heckert, G.A. 1889. Leucochloridium paradoxum. Monographische Darstellung der Entwicklungs- und Lebensgeschichte des Distomum macrostomum. Bibliotheca Zoologica. 4: 1-66 + Pls I-IV. Figure 5 on Plate 1.

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