Libertas Americana silver medallion 1783

Medallion: Benjamin Franklin (design concept), Esprit-Antoine Gibelin (drawings),
Augustin Dupré (sculpting/engraving), "Mint for Medals at the Louvre" (minting)
Composite image: Centpacrr
3000 x 1500 Pixel (3437440 Bytes)
"LIBERTAS AMERICANA" Silver Medallion, 1783. Designed by Benjamin Franklin and Esprit-Antoine Gibelin; sculpted/engraved by Augustin Dupré. Struck at the "Mint for Medals at the Louvre", Paris, France. Silver, 47.5mm, 45.7 gm (1.612 oz)

Obverse: LIBERTAS AMERICANA (American Liberty) across the top over a bust of Liberty with flowing hair and Phrygian cap on a pole behind her. The Date 4 JUIL. 1776 (4 July 1776) is spelled from the shortened French form 4 JUILLET 1776, in the exergue, Signature DUPRE appears at the truncation of the bust. Reverse: The infant Hercules, symbolic of the United States, strangling two snakes that represent the British armies at the Battle of Saratoga and Siege of Yorktown; Minerva at the left with the fleurs-de-lis of France on her shield and a spear in hand thwarting the attack of a lion representing Britain. Above is the motto NON SINE DIIS ANIMOSUS INFANS, from Horace's ode "Descende coelo" translates "The infant is not bold without the aide of the gods." Two dates with a common month, 17 OCT. 1777 and 19 OCT. 1781 (shortened OCTOBRE, French for October), in the exergue signify the American victories at Saratoga and Yorktown. Signature DUPRE F. appears at the lion's feet.

Composite digital image
Public domain
"The Cooper Collections" (uploader's personal collection); Photographs and composite digital illustration created by the uploader, Centpacrr. Na Commons přeneseno z en.wikipedia.
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