Lunar module AS12-51-7507

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The Apollo 12 lunar module Intrepid prior to descent, on November 19, 1969. The coordinates of the center of the lunar surface shown in picture are 4.5°W longitude and 7°S latitude. The view is towards the west and slightly north. The small distinct crater in the bottom left area is Ammonius; it is located within the huge Ptolemaeus crater, which is hard to distinguish here but consists of the smooth area which takes up much of the bottom left of the image, and whose partial wall can be seen to the right of Ammonius. The large crater at the right-hand side about halfway between top and bottom is Herschel. Just above it is the small Herschel C. Further up and to the right, near the right edge of the image, is Mösting A, which appears bright here. The smaller crater just to the left of a line between Herschel C and Mösting A is Flammarion B. Near the horizon and diagonally right and down from the lunar module is Lalande crater; diagonally left and down from the lunar module is the somewhat smaller Lalande A. Further towards the foreground and slightly to the left of Lalande is the smaller Lalande C.
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