Lupe Vélez in 1941

RKO Radio
1277 x 1600 Pixel (289709 Bytes)
A publicity photo of Mexican actress Lupe Vélez from 1941.
Komentář k Licence:

"Publicity photos have traditionally not been copyrighted. Since they are disseminated to the public, they are generally considered public domain, and therefore clearance by the studio that produced them is not necessary." Film industry author Gerald Mast, in Film Study and the Copyright Law (1989) p. 87, writes:

"According to the old copyright act, such production stills were not automatically copyrighted as part of the film and required separate copyrights as photographic stills. The new copyright act similarly excludes the production still from automatic copyright but gives the film's copyright owner a five-year period in which to copyright the stills. Most studios have never bothered to copyright these stills because they were happy to see them pass into the public domain, to be used by as many people in as many publications as possible."
Public domain
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Lupe Vélezová

Lupe Vélezová byla mexická herečka, zpěvačka a tanečnice. Svou hereckou kariéru zahájila v roce 1927 a během 30. let se stala jednou z nejslavnějších Hollywoodských hvězd, přičemž nejvíce se proslavila osmidílnou filmovou sérií Mexican Spitfire. Již od mládí vedla velmi nespoutaný styl života, plný několika bouřlivých románků i s předními muži filmového průmyslu. Po rozchodu s hercem Haraldem Ramondem však v roce 1944 spáchala sebevraždu. .. pokračovat ve čtení