Lutheranism by country

Ernio48, updated by Bastique
2400 x 1058 Pixel (485405 Bytes)
This map shows countries with more than 25.000 Lutherans. Data taken from the Lutheran World Federation 2019 Membership Figures, which contains the vast majority of the world's Lutherans (77 million - although not all of them). One of the countries with a higher amount of Lutherans is the United States (the LWF does not include the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and several other Lutheran churches).


More than 10 million
5 million to 10 million
1 million to 5 million
500 thousand to 1 million
100 thousand to 500 thousand
25 thousand to 100 thousand
adata for China is explicitly for the special administrative region of Hong Kong
bArgentina's LWF member churches include member congregations in Paraguay and Uruguay
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