Lyman otg herb

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A quadrangular shield with a sharp base (traditional English) with a crimson border. In the center of the shield there is a gold pale with a wheat spicule proper, over a pine forest in fess on a green field. In the center of the base is a locomotive and wings (in the picture black).

The border of the shield is crimson - the main color of the Flag of the Izyum Sloboda Cossack Regiment of the time when the Cossacks protected farmers from raids of devastators and destroyers, having built fortifications that laid the foundation of the first settlements of the united territorial community by the Cossacks of this connection. The green color with a vector image of a pine forest is the beauty of the region, the peculiarity of the landscape and the presence of healing factors of a natural nature. Blue color - a large number of water bodies. Schematic image of an ear of wheat on a golden background - determines the status of the region as an agricultural one with a large amount of fertile land and a developed agricultural sector.

The locomotive and the schematic image of the railway emblem "wings" - defines the railway transport enterprises - the main budget-forming industry of the ATC, the basis of its financial well-being.
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