Martti Vainio 1980 (cropped)
Reijo Pasanen
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568 x 872 Pixel (132194 Bytes)
Suomi–Ruotsi-maaottelu Stadionilla. Lasse Virén johtaa.
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The images from the Helsinki City Museum collections in the service are published under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. In brief, CC BY means that you may use and edit the photographs for any purpose as long as you credit the source of the photograph, in this case Helsinki City Museum and the photographer. The photographs may be used commercially, with certain restrictions. For instance, a person’s right to decide on the commercial use of their name, photograph or other identifiable part of their identity, privacy protection rights and moral rights may limit the use of the material.
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Relevantní články
Martti VainioMartti Vainio je bývalý finský atlet, běžec na dlouhé tratě, mistr Evropy v běhu na 10 000 metrů z roku 1978. .. pokračovat ve čtení