
3341 x 2335 Pixel (18689443 Bytes)
This painting depicts the mass killing at Nagasaki in 1622, when more than 55 Christians were executed. It became known as the Great Genna Martyrdom. The victims included Europeans, Japanese, and Koreans. Missionaries are tied to stakes in a fire pit; samurai men with swords are decapitating Christian families. The crowd included Europeans, Chinese, and Africans, as well as Japanese. The precise details suggest that it was painted by an eyewitness. The trees in back are reminiscent of those on Japanese screen paintings, and this work may originally have been mounted as a scroll or screen.
Public domain
Patrimonio del Fondo Edifici di Culto, amministrato dal Ministero dell’Interno, on loan to Chiesa del SS. nome di Gesù, Rome.
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