Matias Faldbakken english interview at Boijmans

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rose Klaver and Els Hoek
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The framed bin bag by the Scandinavian artist Matias Faldbakken, exhibited at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in 2012, caused something of a commotion. Faldbakken frequently makes radical and provocative attacks on society and the art world. He destroys and provokes, but at the same time recognises that he is an irrevocable part of the very society to which he says ‘no’.

In this interview, Matias Faldbakken talks about the artist family in which he grew up, his repulsion for street art and his fascination for minimalism. He explains that he plays with museum conventions and that his locker cupboard bound with expandable binders would not have the added value on the street that it generates by itself in an art environment. Furthermore, he has a tip for the museum visitor.

This video was made on the occasion of Intervention # 21 - Matias Faldbakken, in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen from September 1, 2012 until January 27, 2013. All the works on show are from the Bert Kreuk Collection.
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Matias Faldbakken

Matias Faldbakken je norský umělec, spisovatel a fotograf. Faldbakken studoval na Národní akademii výtvarných umění v Bergenu a na Städelschule ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem. Je synem spisovatele Knuta Faldbakkena, příbuzný Gardara Faldbakkena a bratra filmového režiséra Stefana Faldbakkena. .. pokračovat ve čtení