Aerial drone shot of the Mexico City Metro in operation at the General Anaya station on Line 2.
Komentář k Licence:
This creative work was created by ProtoplasmaKid It is licensed under a Creative Commons License. You are free to use and distribute it as you wish.
On the condition that you always place my attribution next to the material or in the credits of your derivative work in a visible, prominently, and intentional manner, as follows:
ProtoplasmaKid / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA 4.0
Although this work, or modified versions of it, may appear on many websites, this is the original material, and using it for free ONLY requires adhering to the license. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you notify me of the use of my photo, or if you want a different shot or version or a license for full commercial use, contact me by email or on my discussion page.
Mexiko jako jedno z největších měst na světě a hlavní město Mexika provozuje rozsáhlou síť podzemní dráhy. Oficiální název systému zní Systém hromadné dopravy neboli Metro, zkracováno na STC Metro.
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