Mike Lee official portrait 112th Congress
United States Senate
606 x 768 Pixel (383547 Bytes)
Official portrait of United States Senator Mike Lee.
Komentář k Licence:
This United States Congress image is in the public domain. This may be because it was taken by an employee of the Congress as part of that person’s official duties, or because it has been released into the public domain and posted on the official websites of a member of Congress. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
Public domain
Office of United States Senator Mike Lee
Relevantní články
Mike LeeMichael Shumway Lee je americký politik a senátor za stát Utah. Politicky se zařazuje mezi libertariánské republikány; stejně jako jeho kolega Rand Paul, senátor za stát Kentucky, je spojován s hnutím Tea Party. .. pokračovat ve čtení