

Alexander W. A. Kellner1*, Michael W. Caldwell2, Borja Holgado 1,3, Fabio M. Dalla Vecchia 3,

Roy Nohra4, Juliana M. Sayão5 & Philip J. Currie.
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Mimodactylus libanensis gen. et sp. nov. (a) Photo and drawing of the complete specimen. (b) Close up of scapula and coracoid. (c) Detail of the wrist, showing the relation of the pteroid and the carpus. (d) Detail of the humerus. Scale-bars, a: 50 mm; b-d: 10 mm. Abbreviations. car: carpus; cdv: caudal vertebrae; cor: coracoid; cra: cranium; cs: cristospine; cv: cervical vertebrae; d: dentary; dcar: distal carpals; dpc: deltopectoral crest; dri: dorsal ribs; dv: dorsal vertebrae; fe: femur; hu: humerus; man: mandible; mcI-III: first to third metacarpals; mcIV: wing metacarpal; mtar: metatarsals; pcar: proximal carpals; ph1d4: first wing phalanx; ph2d4: second wing phalanx; ph3d4: third wing phalanx; ph4d4: fourth wing phalanx; ppu: prepubis; ptd: pteroid; ra: radius; sca: scapula; sri: sacral ribs; stp: sternal plate; sym: mandibular symphysis; tar: tarsus; te: teeth; ti: tibia; ul: ulna; the abbreviations ‘l’ and ‘r’ represents respectively left and right.
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Mimodactylus byl rod pterodaktyloidního ptakoještěra z čeledi Istiodactylidae, který žil v období svrchní křídy na území dnešního Libanonu. .. pokračovat ve čtení