Mirror Case & Make-up Box
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Mirror case, original in wood, gold, semi-precious stones and glass, h. 26.8 cm. The mirror case found in Tutankhamun's tomb takes the form of the god Heh. His attributes are palm ribs to count the years on in notches and hieroglyphs for the number 100.000 (a tadpole) and eternity (a 'shen' ring), promising Tutankhamun endless years of rule. On his head Heh bears a disk embellished with the name of the King.
Make-up box, original in wood, gold, semi-precious stones and glass, h. 27 cm. The box is in the form of an ankh sign, signifying 'life'.Since 'ankh' is also the Egyptian word for mirror, the design is very apposite both in form and meaning. Only the inside of the lid has a mirror firmly attached to it. The base, by contrast, was divided into different compartments for eye make-up and other cosmetics.
Make-up box, original in wood, gold, semi-precious stones and glass, h. 27 cm. The box is in the form of an ankh sign, signifying 'life'.Since 'ankh' is also the Egyptian word for mirror, the design is very apposite both in form and meaning. Only the inside of the lid has a mirror firmly attached to it. The base, by contrast, was divided into different compartments for eye make-up and other cosmetics.
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HehHeh je egyptský bůh nekonečna. Patřil do skupiny Osmera, jehož koncepci vytvořili kněží hornoegyptského náboženského centra Chemenu. Představoval nekonečnost vzdušného prostoru a času, nekonečnost chaosu a praoceánu, byl uctíván jako dárce nesmrtelnosti, později jako bůh větru. V této funkci byl spojován s bohem vzduchu Šuem. .. pokračovat ve čtení