Mt Rushmore Hall of Records panel text - Mt Rushmore memorial

Authorship is not detailed and is believed to be the work of several park service employees describing the history of Mount Rushmore park, the presidents who are sculpted there, and the sculptor himself. As with most descriptions and histories found in museums, the credit for who wrote them is usually forgotten. These texts were obtained from park service employee Ed Menard in February 2019
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In 1939 work was stopped on a tunnel leading into Mt Rushmore behind the head of Lincoln. The sculptor of Mt Rushmore had envisioned a grand "Hall of Records" to store and display the nation's most important documents and artifacts. They only succeeded in creating a 70 foot long tunnel into the mountain. In 1998 a vault was created to complete his vision. 16 enamel panels, measuring 4 feet by 1.5 feet were inscribed with historical information about Mt Rushmore and America. These panels were then sealed in a teak wood box, then placed in a titanium vault, and topped by a granite marker. This text file, from the United States Park Service, details some of the inscriptions on those 16 panels. This is not a photo of the panel itself, just a text-file of what is inscribed on them.
Public domain
These are text files from the United States Park Service at Mount Rushmore. They detail what is inscribed on panels entombed inside Mt Rushmore on 16 enamel panels. The text is work by the US Government
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Mount Rushmore

Národní památník Mount Rushmore, většinou jen zkráceně Mount Rushmore, je obrovské sousoší, které se nachází poblíž amerického města Keystone v Jižní Dakotě. Sochy byly vysekány přímo do žulového skalního masivu v letech 1927–1941 a zobrazují hlavy čtyř významných amerických prezidentů: George Washingtona (1732–1799), Thomase Jeffersona (1743–1826), Theodora Roosevelta (1858–1919) a Abrahama Lincolna (1809–1865). Čtyři prezidenti byli vybráni tak, aby reprezentovali zrod, růst, rozvoj a zachování národa. Památník se rozkládá na ploše 5,17 km² a vlastní hora má nadmořskou výšku 1 745 m. .. pokračovat ve čtení