NGC 300 X-1 in the spiral galaxy NGC 300 (ESO 1004c)

ESO/P. Crowther
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Astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) have detected a stellar-mass black hole much further away than any other previously known. With a mass about twenty times that of the Sun, this is also the second most massive stellar-mass black hole ever found. The newly announced black hole lies in a spiral galaxy called NGC 300, six million light-years from Earth. This image obtained with the FORS2 instrument on the VLT is centred on the position of the black hole. The image covers a field of view of about 2x2 arcminutes, or about 4000 light-years at the distance of NGC 300. The image is based on data obtained through a wide B filter and two narrow-band filters centred on 500 nm and H-alpha.
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NGC 300

NGC 300 je spirální galaxie v souhvězdí Sochaře vzdálená přibližně 6,4 milionů světelných let. Objevil ji australský astronom James Dunlop v roce 1826. Při pohledu ze Země je nakloněná pod úhlem 42° a v mnoha vlastnostech se podobá Galaxii v Trojúhelníku. .. pokračovat ve čtení