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Genealogical table of Sultans (also called Kings and Emirs) of the en:Nasrid Dynasty, which ruled the en:Emirate of Granada (Kingdom of Granada) from 1232-1492. Daughters are not included as not generally being able to inherit the throne, with the one notable exception of Muhammad VI's daughter whose name has been lost, who was able to give a royal claim to her son Yusuf IV. Members of the dynasty on the list without a date indicates that they never ruled.

As is noted in the image, the throne was often disputed, especially in Granada's last century of existence. This image uses the dates in the updated Prescott (details below), while other sources use different dates. These dates, in general, give the throne to whoever controlled the en:Alhambra (the royal palace of Granada), even if other claimants ruled other cities. For example, while Muhammad XIII (al-Zagal) was expelled from the city of Granada in 1486, he continued to fight on out of Baza, Guadix, and Almería from 1486-89, was the leader of main resistance to the Castilian-Aragonese armies, and never renounced the title of Sultan.

Source: Prescott, William H.; edited and annotated by Albert D. McJoynt (1995). The Art of War in Spain: The Conquest of Granada, 1481-1492. London: Greenhill Books. ISBN 1-85367-193-2. (An extract from Prescott's 1838 book History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, updated with modern scholarship and commentary.)
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