New Webb Image Captures Clearest View of Neptune’s Rings in Decades



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Hey Neptune. Did you ring? 👋

Webb’s latest image is the clearest look at Neptune's rings in 30+ years, and our first time seeing them in infrared light. Take in Webb's ghostly, ethereal views of the planet and its dust bands, rings and moons. (Some of these rings have not been detected since Voyager 2 flew by in 1989!)

In visible light, Neptune appears blue due to small amounts of methane gas in its atmosphere. Here, Webb’s NIRCam instrument observed Neptune at near-infrared wavelengths, so Neptune doesn’t look so blue!

Read more about Webb’s views of Neptune:

Image description: In this Webb image, Neptune resembles a pearl with rings that look like ethereal concentric ovals around it. There are 2 thinner, crisper rings and 2 broader, fainter rings. A few extremely bright patches on the lower half of Neptune represent methane ice clouds. Six tiny white dots, which are six of Neptune’s 14 moons, are scattered among the rings. The background of the image is black.

Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
Public domain
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Neptun (planeta)

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