Nikola Tesla, with his equipment (restored version)
- "Of course, the discharge was not playing when the experimenter was photographed, as might be imagined!"
Tesla's biographers Carl Willis and Mark Seifer confirm this.
During 1899-1900 Tesla built this laboratory and researched wireless transmission of electric power there. The Magnifying Transmitter, one of the largest Tesla coils ever built, with input power of 300 kW could produce potentials of around 12 million volts at a frequency of about 150 kHz, creating 130 ft. (41 m) "lightning bolts". The arcs in the image are 22 feet long. When he first turned it on, the machine blew out the Colorado Springs power company's generator. These long arcs were not a feature of the normal operation of the coil because they wasted energy; for these photos Tesla forced the machine to produce arcs by switching the power rapidly on and off.
- Gallery:
- Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31):
- Photographer: Dickenson V. Alley
- Restored by: Bammesk
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