1600 x 1200 Pixel (185566 Bytes)
Nuclear cloud height/yield graph
Cosmetically enhanced to illustrate size of Fat Man/Castle Bravo mushroom clouds.
Note that cloud height is shown with linear scale, but yield (horizontal axis) with LOGARITHMIC scale !
CAUTION: The data represented in this plot are not verifiable because no sources are made clear. This image should not be used to present its unsourced data as fact unless sources are also provided for the data.
Cosmetically enhanced to illustrate size of Fat Man/Castle Bravo mushroom clouds.
Note that cloud height is shown with linear scale, but yield (horizontal axis) with LOGARITHMIC scale !
CAUTION: The data represented in this plot are not verifiable because no sources are made clear. This image should not be used to present its unsourced data as fact unless sources are also provided for the data.
- 0 = Approximate altitude band commercial aircraft use
- 1 = Fat Man 22.5 kt
- 2 = Castle Bravo 15 Mt
Public domain
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Relevantní články
Ekvivalent TNTEkvivalent TNT je metoda vyjádření energie uvolněné při explozích. Jedná se (přibližně) o množství trinitrotoluenu, které svým výbuchem vyvolá vzdušnou tlakovou vlnu stejných parametrů jako zkoušená výbušnina, a která způsobí stejné destrukční účinky. Jedna tuna TNT odpovídá (přesně) 4,184 GJ. .. pokračovat ve čtení