Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, Unpapered Bedroom 1

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Description of events & information that accompany the Unpapered Bedroom diorama:

Reported to Nutshell Laboratories, Monday, June 4, 1949.

An Unknown Woman was discovered dead in a rooming house (registered as Mrs. John Smith).

Mrs. Bessie Collins, the landlady of the rooming house, was questioned and gave the following statement:

She kept a rooming house, and on Saturday, June 2, 1949, in the early afternoon, the deceased and a man rented this room until Monday morning, registered as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. On Monday morning, June 4, the man had left early—about six-thirty a.m. He paid for the room up to six o’clock that evening and said not to disturb his wife, as she wanted to sleep late.

About three o’clock on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Collins told Stella Walsh, the maid, to try to get into the room to make it up. Just before five o’clock, Stella told Mrs. Collins there was something wrong. She had tried twice but she couldn’t wake the woman, so Mrs. Collins and Stella entered the room, the door of which was not locked, and found the woman was cold—evidently dead. They left the room without disturbing anything, closed and locked the door, taking the key with them, and notified the patrolman on the beat.

The model shows the conditions in the room as the two women found them.

This case presents two problems: Who was this woman? (The means of identification is clearly visible.)


What was the cause of her death? (The medical examiner found the clue—Pull the little tassel at the left front of the model.)

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Must attribute to Lorie Shaull if used elsewhere, other than on Wikimedia and its projects.
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