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14647 x 925 Pixel (5780852 Bytes)
This is a 360 degree panorama from the Ochodzita mountain in Koniaków/Istebna/Poland (Beskid Śląski).

The labels are to large extent based on the information board found on the summit, however there are corrections in the southern view (e.g. range Będoszka Mała-Magura was apparently shifted on the board; the range Kykula-Trojaki---Pahorok was absent; the range Bahania-Koneczna contained summits which are not visible according to Google Maps) , and the eastern summits were absent there (the range Tyniok-Muńcuł). If you can see some errors, please contact me to fix them. The email is on the lower right corner of the panorama. As for my thoughts, I think the Gańczorka summit can be seen here behind Tyniok, but the quality of image is insufficient to determine, and a terrain inspection would be required.

The panorama was created from multiple photos (for the eastern view in slightly different location on the summit) which were merged together using Gimp by means of perspective correction and layer insertion with transparency mask to eliminate sharp color transitions.
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Ochodzita je nejvyšší hora polské části Jablunkovského mezihoří. Výrazný, nezalesněný vrchol se nachází v blízkosti hranice s Českem a Slovenskem, na jihovýchodě obce Istebna, nad vesnicí Koniaków. Svahy jsou využívány v zemědělství, případně jako pastviny. Na vrcholu se nachází stožár televizního dokrývača a malá kaple. .. pokračovat ve čtení