Olaf & Emil Poulsen - 1892 - Clemens Weller - Royal Danish Library

Photographer Clemens Weller (1838-1900)
7397 x 4895 Pixel (4045351 Bytes)
The brothers Poulsen

Emil Poulsen (1842-1911) Olaf Poulsen (1849-1923)

Photo taken in connection with their 25th anniversary in 1892
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Copyright to this image has expired under Danish copyright. Danish Royal Library therefore makes the image available for use in Denmark. If you use the image, remember to credit the creator appropriately. You may also credit the Danish Royal Library, which made the image available to you. You are responsible for your own use of the image. Please do not use the image in ways that are illegal, misleading or derogatory. The image might be entitled to copyright protection in other countries or privacy rights and you are responsible for clarifying the rights in those cases.
Royal Danish Library
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Clemens Weller

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