Old map-Austin-1873-sm
Augustus Koch (1840-?).
4309 x 3202 Pixel (5913894 Bytes)
Version of Image:Old_map-Austin-1873.jpg with color enhancement, cropping, and reduction in pixel dimensions. Original upload comments on that image were:
Austin, Texas in 1873. Bird's Eye View of the City of Austin Travis County Texas 1873, 1873. Lithograph (hand-colored), 19.7 x 28.1 in. Published by J. J. Stoner, Madison, Wis. Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin. (The University of Texas didn't start being built until 10 years later.)
Austin, Texas in 1873. Bird's Eye View of the City of Austin Travis County Texas 1873, 1873. Lithograph (hand-colored), 19.7 x 28.1 in. Published by J. J. Stoner, Madison, Wis. Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin. (The University of Texas didn't start being built until 10 years later.)
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AustinAustin je hlavní město státu Texas. .. pokračovat ve čtení