Old norse, ca 900
Wiglaf, based on Europe plain rivers.png by Dbachmann. — Map based on Europe plain rivers.png by Dbachmann. Data sources: Nationalencyklopedin The Harper Atlas of World History (ed. Vidal-Naquet) in Swedish translation: Atlas över mänsklighetens historia. Baker, Peter. Introduction to Old English. Wiley, 2007 Haywood, John. The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings. Penguin Books, 1995. Rauch, Irmengard. The Old Saxon Language: Grammar, Epic Narrative, Linguistic Interference. Berkeley Univ. Press, 1992.
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Approximate geographical distribution of Old Norse and related languages at the beginning of the 10th century. In red, the dialect of Western Scandinavian (or Old Norse itself), in orange, the dialect of Eastern Scandinavian, in pink, Old Gutnish, in yellow, Old English, and in green, the other Germanic languages with which Old Norse retained a certain intercomprehension. In blue, the Gothic dialect of Crimea.
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