People's Park standoff, August 3, 2022

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University of California police officers guard a barricade on Haste Street near Telegraph Avenue preventing access to People's Park as construction begins on the park. Background information: In the very early morning of Wednesday, August 3, 2022, UC Berkeley closed People's Park in anticipation of plans to build student housing in the historic green space. The streets around the park were barricaded. Protestors who supported the continued existence of the park in its longstanding form pushed back against the move. By noon the same day, a large number of police officers guarded a road barricade on Haste Street near Telegraph Avenue blocking access to the park as demonstrators protested the construction on the park. At approximately 12:09 p.m., UC police officer Sabrina Reich read a prepared statement that declared the demonstrators an "unlawful assembly" and ordered them to disperse within 5 minutes
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People's Park

People's Park byl park v Berkeley ve státu Kalifornie. Jedná se o pozemek, který v 70. letech 20. století získala Kalifornská univerzita v Berkeley se záměrem postavit zde studentské koleje. V roce 1969 v té době opuštěný pozemek obsadili aktivisté z řad studentů a místních a prostor se na více než 50 let stal místem komunitního setkávání a protestů. .. pokračovat ve čtení