Peritoma arborea (Nuttall) (Bladderpod) - Flickr - brewbooks

brewbooks from near Seattle, USA
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Peritoma arborea (Nuttall) (Bladderpod) a shrub in the Cleomaceae family. This was formerly in the larger Capparaceae (Caper) family but was split off based on DNA analysis. See the Germplasm Resources Information Network for Cleomaceae formerly Isomeris arborea or Cleome isomeris (A classic lumper/splitter problem. Dividing a taxon into multiple taxa is called splitting. Taxonomists are often referred to as "lumpers" or "splitters" depending on their approach to recognizing differences or commonalities between organisms. Cladistics DNA analysis has caused a lot of splitting in the world of botany - it is a challenge to keep up!)

Note that the pod threw me off, I made the wrong assumption that this was in the Fabaceae (Legume) family. Thanks to Flickr member edgeplot/ for ID help. I have lots to learn. References: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson Interchange for California Floristics Flora of North America

Near South end of Wilson Canyon, off Pinto Basin Road, Joshua Tree National Park

jtz 092
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Luštěnicovité (Cleomaceae) je čeleď nevysokých rostlin z řádu brukvotvarých, které jsou občas pěstované jako okrasné. .. pokračovat ve čtení