Petr Pavel - NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Defense Session - 2017 (37122714191)

Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Dominique A. Pineiro - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from Washington D.C, United States
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Chairman of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Committee Gen. Petr Pavel and Albanian Chief of the General Staff Brig. Gen Bardhyl Kollcaku host a press conference following the NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Defense (MC/CS) Session in Tirana, Albania Sept. 16, 2017. The Chiefs of Defense will discuss further implementation of the Projecting Stability concept, the security situation in the Western Balkans region and provide recommendations for the way ahead for the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and Kosovo Force. The CHODS will exchange views on NATO’s Adaptation and receive briefings on the current status of the NATO Command Structure review. Finally, they will elect the next Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who will take office in 2018.
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