Phineas Gage Cased Daguerreotype WilgusPhoto2008-12-19 EnhancedRetouched Color

Photograph by Jack and Beverly Wilgus of daguerreotype originally from their collection, and now in the Warren Anatomical Museum, Center for the History of Medicine, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
Enlarged using Waifu2x and retouched by Joe Haythornthwaite (see notes on talk page).
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811 x 952 Pixel (592964 Bytes)
Photograph of cased-daguerreotype studio portrait of brain-injury survivor Phineas P. Gage (1823–1860) shown holding the tamping iron which injured him. Includes view of original embossed brass mat. From the collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus. Like most daguerreotypes, the image seen in this artifact is laterally (left-right) reversed; therefore a second, compensating reversal has been applied to produce this image, so as to show Gage as he appeared in life. That this shows Gage correctly is confirmed by contemporaneous medical reports describing his injuries, as well as from the injuries visible in Gage's skull and life mask, still preserved.
Digitally enhanced and manually retouched (see notes on talk page).
Komentář k Licence:
© Držitel autorských práv k tomuto souboru, Jack and Beverly Wilgus, dovoluje jeho užití komukoli pro jakýkoli účel, za podmínky, že je držitel práv správně uveden. Další šíření, tvorba odvozených děl, komerční využití i všechna další užití jsou dovolena.
Uveďte autora:
Originally from the collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, and now in the Warren Anatomical Museum, Harvard Medical School.

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Phineas Gage

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