Pithecanthropus erectus-PeterMaas Naturalis
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Original fossils of Pithecanthropus erectus (now Homo erectus) found in Java in 1891. It was on display at the exhibition 'Dubois' in the National Museum of Natural History 'Naturalis' in Leiden, the Netherlands. Dutch anatomist Eugene Dubois had been fascinated with Charles Darwin's theories of evolution, so set out to find an early human.(1890s) He first described the species as Pithecanthropus erectus ("upright ape-man"), based on a calotte (skullcap) and a modern-looking femur found from the bank of the Solo River at Trinil, in central Java. (This species is now regarded as Homo erectus.) His find is commonly referred to as Java Man.
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Jávský člověkJávský člověk, latinsky Homo erectus erectus, dříve také Anthropopithecus erectus a Pithecanthropus erectus, je lidská fosilie objevená v letech 1891 a 1892 na ostrově Jáva. Její stáří se odhaduje mezi 700 000 a 1 000 000 let. V době svého objevu to byla nejstarší fosilie hominidů, jaká kdy byla nalezena. .. pokračovat ve čtení