Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)

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From IMDb: "Can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?" That's the question on the lips of the narrator of this tale about flying saucers, zombies and cardboard tombstones. A pair of aliens, angered by the "stupid minds" of planet Earth, set up shop in a California cemetery. Their plan: to animate an army of the dead to march on the capitals of the world. (The fact that they have only managed to resurrect three zombies to date has not discouraged them.) An intrepid airline pilot living near the cemetery must rescue his wife from this low-budget terror. "Can you prove it *didn't* happen?" Stars: Tor Johnson, Vampira, Tom Keene, and Gregory Walcott COPYRIGHT NOTICE From Video-Cellar: This film is in the public domain. “Grave Robbers From Outer Space” was originally published in the USA in 1959. The film was not immediately registered for copyright. It was registered by its producer “Reynolds Pictures Inc.” in 1981 (PA0000102338). The film's copyright was renewed in 1986 by Wade Williams 3 (RE0000279707). In 1981, Williams lodged a quitclaim from Kathy Wood (Edward D. Wood Jr.'s second wife [1956-his death] and heir. USCO doc. no. V1831P045) and separate quitclaims of interest from Norma McCarty (Edward D. Wood Jr.'s first wife - falsely listed on the filing as “Mrs. Edward D. Wood, Jr., successor of all rights to the Estate of Edward D. Wood, Jr.”, which she was not, as their marriage had been annulled) - and Reynolds Pictures, Inc. This renewal was legally invalid for these reasons: 1) The registration and renewals were lodged providing the incorrect title on screen, date-in-notice and publication date for the original publication. 2) In order for a successor in interest to renew a copyright they have to demonstrate that they own the copyright through a valid transfer of rights from the party owning the copyright at or immediately before the renewal window. None of the parties Mr. Williams sought quitclaims from were valid owners of copyright immediately prior to the renewal window. Valid copyright successors for this film “James Flocker Enterprises Inc.”, “Gold Key Video”, "Vidtronics Inc.”, and “Medallion Pictures”, all companies who are successors in the chain of ownership post registration, are not present in Williams' quitclaims. Williams has, instead, provided the USCO with a series of meaningless assignments from parties which no longer held any copyright interest in the work in order to demonstrate “ownership” of the intellectual property in the film. The screenplay was further registered as an unpublished work in 1989 (Pau001211635). This again is rendered legally invalid by the mere fact that large portions of the screenplay were previously published as part of the registered motion picture for which no valid copyright renewal exists.
Public domain
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Plán 9

Plán 9 je americký film režiséra Eda Wooda Jr. uvedený roku 1959. Je to asi nejznámější Woodův snímek a je považován za jeden z nejhorších filmů všech dob. Jeho tématem je mimozemská invaze na Zemi. Mělo jít o sci-fi horor, pro svou otřesnou technickou i uměleckou úroveň však dosáhl kultovní proslulosti spíše jako nechtěná absurdní komedie. .. pokračovat ve čtení