Portrait of a young lady by Jeanie A. Welford (1891-1893)

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5079 x 7804 Pixel (2600229 Bytes)
Cabinet card.

Studio of Jeanie A. Welford, The Woodbine Studio of Photography, 47 Hagley Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Bought from an eBay seller in Paralimni, Cyprus.

"Jeanie A. Welford (1855-1949), wife of well-known photo journalist W.D. Welford (d. 1919) ... [who] wrote many articles on photography, dealing with topics such as the use of toning solutions with certain types of paper and the influence of the hand-held camera. He was also founder and editor of various short-lived photographic publications, including The Junior Photographer, the Photographic Life, and Cycle & Camera, in which he combined his strong interests in both photography and cycling. Jeanie was also an avid cyclist. W.D. Welford also wrote a standard manual on the hand camera in 1892, along with other resources on photographic apparatus and optical lanterns. Little is known about Jeanie Welford, but according to the Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Photography by John Hannavy, she was a talented photographer, specializing in topographical views, several of which were published in her husband's journals." - www.cowanauctions.com/auctions/item.aspx?ItemId=90654

"Mr and Mrs W. D. Welford, famous in the history of photography as well as cycling. W. D. Welford was the first paid secretary of the Cyclists Touring Club and Mrs was the first woman member." - www.salisburycameraclub.org.uk/welford1.htm

Undated, but the Welford's were residing at 47 Hagley Road, Birmingham between 1891 and 1893, and had moved to 59-60 Chancery Lane, London by 1895.

So presume husband is photographer who died 1919
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Jeanie Welfordová

Jeanie A. Welfordová nebo Jeanie Agnes Morganová byla britská fotografka a první britská členka britského cyklistického klubu. Provozovala fotografický byznys s ateliéry v Londýně, Birminghamu a Rottingdeanu a za svou práci získala přes 100 medailí. .. pokračovat ve čtení