Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim
221 x 320 Pixel (6392 Bytes)
Photograph of Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim, former Heir Apparent (1899-1914) and Regent of Egypt (1952-1953).
Komentář k Licence:
Obecnější vysvětlení najdete na stránce Non-U.S. copyrights.
This work was in the public domain in Egypt in 1996 because Article 20 of Law 354 of 1954 pertaining to Copyright Protection, which was in effect at the time, provided for a 15-year term of copyright (starting from the date of first publication) for photographic and audio-visual works that lacked the characteristics of a creative work (i.e., that simply reproduced reality mechanically), regardless of whether the copyright holder was a moral person or a private person.
This work was in the public domain in Egypt in 1996 because Article 20 of Law 354 of 1954 pertaining to Copyright Protection, which was in effect at the time, provided for a 15-year term of copyright (starting from the date of first publication) for photographic and audio-visual works that lacked the characteristics of a creative work (i.e., that simply reproduced reality mechanically), regardless of whether the copyright holder was a moral person or a private person.
Public domain
Website of L'Egypte d'Antan / Egypt in Bygone Days -
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Relevantní články
Muhammad Abdel MoneimPrinc Muhammad Abdel Moneim Beyefendi byl egyptský princ a bývalý dědic trůnu Egypta a Súdánu v letech 1899 až 1914. Po abdikaci krále Farúka I. a následující Egyptské revoluci v roce 1952, sloužil jako regent za krále Fuada II. a to až do vyhlášení Egyptské republiky a zrušení Egyptské a Súdánské monarchie roku 1953. .. pokračovat ve čtení