Proposed Flag of Islamabad Capital Territory

600 x 600 Pixel (1188 Bytes)
About the flag: The flag shown is a proposed flag for Islamabad - the capital of Pakistan. Dr. Tariq S Marwat, 18 September 2004. Founder Chairman - Flag Society of Pakistan. The flag for Islamabad - capital of Pakistan - is primarily based on the National Flag of Pakistan. The diagonal design is to differentiate it from the national flag. The square shape is to make the triangles symmetric. The star and crescent are 'regular' as in the national flag. They look stretched because of my poor drawing skills (sorry for that). The black color is added to give it a distinct look. Black was the color used for the flag at the time of the conquest of Makkah by the prophet of Islam, Muhammad.
Dr. Tariq Saleem Marwat, September 19, 2004. Chairman - Flag Society of Pakistan. This flag has no historic links with Islamabad and it being imposed. Reference: Move approved by User:Superm401.
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