QRA Scramble to Intercept Russian Blackjack Aircraft MOD 45151233

(c) Photo: MoD/MOD, OGL v1.0

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A Russian TU-160 Blackjack aircraft is escorted by a Royal Air Force (RAF) Tornado F3.

On 10th March 2010, two RAF Tornado F3 fighter aircraft of 111(Fighter) Squadron were scrambled from RAF Leuchars (Fife) in the early hours of the morning to intercept two Russian TU-160 Blackjack aircraft, which were approx 100 nm to the west of Stornaway on the north-west coast of Scotland.

The Tornadoes shadowed the Russian aircraft as they progressed south before the Blackjacks turned north, short of the Northern Irish coast, exiting UK airspace.

RAF Leuchars fighters have successfully scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft on more than 20 occasions since the start of 2009. The Tornado F3 is planned to go out of RAF Service in 2011; RAF Leuchars will become the RAF’s second Typhoon fighter base later this year.

  • Organisation: Royal Air Force (RAF)
  • Object name: LEU_10_0286_OUT_023
  • Category: RMY
  • Supplemental categories: Air
  • Keywords: Tornado F3, defensive, fighter, jet, Blackjack, Russian, reaction, quick, QRA, Royal Air Force, RAF, equipment, aircraft, silhouette, sunrise, sunset
  • Country: Scotland
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