Radio and Television of Prishtina 02

Agron Berisha
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Radio Prishtina started working immediately after the Second World War, first in Prizren, then moved to Prishtina making its first broadcast in 1945. Then in 1974 Prishtina Television started its first broadcast. As an institution, RTP has an indisputable value in disseminating news in Albanian language, at a time when this was not an easy task.

The Radio Prishtina building was conceived by Oton Gaspari, a Slovenian architect in 1965, specifically for this function. The building visibly consists of two volumes, one spreading horizontally and the other rising vertically. Both volumes have their independent expression in particular but also remain in complementary harmony in general. The administrative spaces are located in the vertical volume, with triangle floor plan. Due to this function that requires good lighting, the vertical volume P + 10 floors, shows many openings in the facade, with windows in row throughout the whole perimeter of the facade. The remaining part of the building is solid material made of concrete. The volume in the horizontal part of the building, at the entrance, increase in the form of a pile. In this zone, the radio halls and the technical part of the realization of the news are located therefore this part of the building has more solid expressions due to the lack of necessity for lighting. Characteristic of the architectural expression is the facade made out of natural concrete with ribbed texture. The interruption of programs from this radio-television was terminated with violence by the Serbian government in 1990.

Today the building is used by Radio Prishtina and partially by KTV (Koha Vision). In 2019, RTP did not escape inadequate interventions with inappropriate materials, compromising the authentic image and architectural features of the building.
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