Roman hipposandal (top, profile)
This is a Type 2 hipposandal as classified by Aubert in "Revue des Musees" (1929) and followed by Manning in “Catalogue of the Romano-British Iron Tools, Fittings and Weapons in the British Museum " (Manning, 1985, pp 63-66). Type 2 hipposandals have wings which run forward to meet in a loop above the toe and a hooked heel. There are two type 2 hipposandals in “Catalogue of the Romano-British Iron Tools, Fittings and Weapons in the British Museum ", H5 and H6. H5 is shorter than the example recorded here. Manning described H5 as a relatively small example (length: 16.2cm). H6 is larger than the example recorded here. Manning describes H6 as an unusually large and broad example (length: 22.5cm). Both are from London. Manning states that the largest group of type 2 hipposandals comes from London, but others are known from third and fourth century contexts at Verulamium and Silchester. Manning comments that one from the fourth century Silchester hoard is unusual in having a (kite shaped) hole in the sole. The hipposandal recorded here also has a hole, in the sole. Citing Evans, 1894, Manning states that this feature is more commonly found in type 3 soles.
Manning comments that the number from London, where the majority of ironwork finds can be dated to the late first or early second century, suggests that the form was in use before the third century.Relevantní obrázky
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