Rosa Parks statue NSHC

AOC / USCapitol
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On February 27, 2013, a statue of Rosa Parks commissioned by Congress was unveiled in National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol, approximately 100 years after her birth on February 4, 1913. Her arrest in 1955 for refusing to yield her seat on a segregated bus to a white passenger helped ignite the modern American civil rights movement. This bronze statue depicts Parks seated on a rock-like formation of which she seems almost a part, symbolizing her famous refusal to give up her bus seat. The statue is close to nine feet tall including its pedestal. It weighs 600 pounds and its granite pedestal, partially hollowed out inside, weighs 2,100 pounds. The pedestal is made of Raven Black granite and inscribed simply with her name and life dates, “Rosa Parks/1913–2005.”
Public domain
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Rosa Parksová

Rosa (Louise) Parksová patřila k nejznámějším aktivistkám za práva černochů v USA. V prosinci 1955 byla v alabamském Montgomery zatčena, protože odmítla v autobusu uvolnit místo bělochovi, což vedlo k bojkotu autobusové dopravy v Montgomery. Tento případ vedl k velkým protirasistickým protestům a představoval zásadní krok v rozvoji hnutí za černošská práva v USA. Rosa Parksová se stala jeho symbolem. .. pokračovat ve čtení