Russian Fort

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The Russian Fort in Waimea, HI (1817), a national landmark. In 1815, Georg Anton Schaffer, an agent of the Russian-American Company, was sent to Kauai to retrieve goods confiscated by its chief Kaumuali'i. At the time, Kaumuali'i was fighting Kamehameha I, who had created a kingdom of all of the other Hawaiian islands. Hoping that the Russians would conquer the rest of the islands in his name, Kaumuali'i signed a deal making Kauai a Russian protectorate. He allowed Schaffer to build a fort near Waimea, which Schaffer named Fortress Elizabeth. The fort's Orthodox chapel was the first Orthodox Christian Church in Hawaii. When Kaumuali'i discovered that Schaffer did not have the backing of the Russian Tsar, Schaffer was banished from the island. By the end of the year, Kaumuali'i agreed to serve under Kamehameha I. The fort was dismantled in the early 1860s.
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